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TeamCC symptom checker

Welcome to the COVID-19 symptom checker from TeamCC. The following assessment is based on the current UK Government guidance for self-isolation and is intended to aid members in deciding whether they can attend training sessions delivered by Team CC.

Please note that the following assessment does not form any part of a medical or clinical assessment and as such users should not use the assessment for medical advice or support.

If you are concerned about your own, or a member of your household's health, you should refer to the NHS 111 online system which can be found at NHS 111.

Before beginning the assessment please read the following:


  • Signs of a heart attack - pain like a very tight band, heavy weight or squeezing in the centre of your chest
  • Signs of a stroke - face drooping on one side, can't hold both arms up, difficulty speaking
  • Severe difficulty breathing - gasping, not being able to get words out, choking or lips turning blue
  • Heavy bleeding - that won't stop
  • Severe injuries - or deep cuts after a serious accident
  • Seizure (fit) - someone is shaking or jerking because of a fit, or is unconscious (can't be woken up)
  • Sudden, rapid swelling - of the eyes, lips, mouth, throat or tongue

Travel to the UK

Have you arrived in the UK from a country not listed in the last 14 days?


Have you travelled to a country not listed in the last 14 days?

Travel to the UK

To look after the other members and coaches of TeamCC; please do not attend the in person sessions until 14 days after you returned to the UK

But, don't worry, you can still follow the program, get coaching and make epic progress using the home workout section of your membership in the Trainerize app and TeamCC Members Facebook Group.

If you have any questions or concerns please email to discuss them.

NHS Test and Trace

Have you been contacted by NHS Test and Trace in the last 14 days?

NHS Test and Trace

To look after the other members and coaches of TeamCC; please do not attend the in person sessions until you can leave isolation as advised by NHS Track and Trace

But, don't worry, you can still follow the program, get coaching and make epic progress using the home workout section of your membership in the Trainerize app and TeamCC Members Facebook Group.

If you have any questions or concerns please email to discuss them.

Questions about you and your household

Please read and answer the following questions


Have you or anyone in your house experienced any of the following in the past 7 days?

High Temperature

Feeling hot to touch on your chest or back


If you have a thermometer; a reading of 37.8℃ or above

New, continuous cough

Coughing a lot for more than an hour


3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours


If you usually have a cough, may be worse than usual

Change or loss of your sense of smell or taste

You may have noticed that things taste or smell different to usual


You cannot taste and/or smell at all
