Your Goal Isn't One Number

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This is a profile of realistic long-term progress.โฃ

You decide to make a change, implement it with high motivation, and you make good initial progress โฃ

After achieving progress you think youโ€™ve made it, slack off to old habits and regress slightly (weโ€™ve all done this) โฃ

You realise you need to reimplement the things that worked, and you regain the progress you initially made (learning consistency is key) โฃ

You then fluctuate between being 100% at your best, and 85-90% of your best (because life) โฃ

Point four is the goal. That is what long term progress becomes.โฃ

But what often happens is...โฃ

You decide to make a change, implement it with high motivation, and you make good initial progress.โฃ

After achieving progress you think youโ€™ve made it, slack off to old habits and regress.โฃ

Get disappointed/frustrated/angry. Quit and give up because youโ€™re no longer at the goal number.โฃ

We have to understand that variance is part of life.โฃ

Your work/social/family life are all variable.โฃ

So your training/nutrition/recovery are all going to vary tooโฃ

Meaning your weight/strength/performance are all going to vary as a result.โฃ

And this is 100% normal.โฃ

So shift your mindset and set yourself a range to accommodate this and not lose your mind when things arenโ€™t perfect โฃ

When your at the bottom end of the range, you know youโ€™ve earned yourself some breathing room and can afford a week or two of less intense focus.โฃ

When youโ€™re at the top end of that range, you know itโ€™s time to re-make training and nutrition a higher priority if possible.โฃ

When you realise this, and understand this is normal... youโ€™ll have achieved someone that the vast majority of gym-goers never do.โฃ

Youโ€™ve begun to live in the big picture and understand long term progress.โฃ


The Success Equation


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